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Womenswear jacket, a mid-season must-have!

Shall we show you how to wear a jacket?Right from the start, choose yourself the jacket that suits you best AND that you love!The first question: which jacket suits which body shape? If you are on the «petite» side, opt for quite a short jacket, to show off your hips and legs, to avoid «squeezing down» your outline. If you are on the «tall» side? You can wear just about any version! But be careful not to choose a jacket that is too short if your legs are very long, to avoid a «tiny top». If you are more on the «curvy» side? Go for a straight jacket, be it loose or fitted. Then if you are on the «slim» side, you are lucky to be able to wear nearly all different jackets, although fitted jackets suit you like no other.

The second question: which style of jacket to choose? We think that it is all a question of taste! A womenswear leather jacket for a hint of rock attitude? A denim jacket for more casual appeal? A padded jacket for a slightly boho vibe? A velvety jacket that feels all soft? A womenswear blazer for a smarter effect? It is as you like! According to what you want, your fashion mood… and the occasion.

How to wear a womenswear jacket?

Again it is a question of what you prefer… and the needs of the occasion. It's all about knowing how to «play around» with your jacket, and to use it to counter your usual style or by contrast to strengthen it. We explain:
You are wearing a little dress with lots of feminine allure or even sexy? Play it down with an oversized blazer or denim jacket or, on the contrary, keep the same style with a little fitted womenswear leather jacket or a tailored jacket
You are wearing wideleg or cargo jeans? 2 options: you can add a «street wear» fashion twist to your denim with an ultra-feminine jacket such as a fitted blazer or a padded jacket, or you could stay in the same style with a more laid-back jacket like a bomber jacket, teddy, or even a tracksuit top. See what we mean?

Which are the ideal mid-season jackets?

Mid-season jackets, autumnal jackets or even spring jackets are those that you love to pull on when it's not warm enough to go sleeveless. The most-well-known: a denim jacket is just perfect to counter mid-season chilly weather. A blazer is also a must-have mid-season jacket because it is lightweight yet perfect for covering-up. As for a leather jacket, it is certainly a bit warmer than the first two but definitely perfect for fresh autumnal days, don't you think?

So shouldn't we all invest in a jacket? ;)